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The Dice Tower is an Internet podcast about tabletop games. Your hosts for the show are Tom Vasel, noted game reviewer, industry veteran Julie Ahern, and voice actor and reviewer Eric Summerer. 

In the show, Tom, Julie, and Eric talk about boardgames, card games, wargames, miniatures, and the people who play them.

New to the Dice Tower? Then listen to: Episode 0: Introduction & Top 15 Games a New Gamer Should Buy

Sep 20, 2016

In this show, we talk about City of Spies, Bluffalo, Rock Paper Poker, Agricola Family, AssassinCon, and Mythe.  We answer several questions - as well as ask the audience a question, and hear a sad tale of shame.  Geoff and the Sweet Spot show up, and we end the show talking about the person most responsible for getting us into board gaming.