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The Dice Tower is an Internet podcast about tabletop games. Your hosts for the show are Tom Vasel, noted game reviewer, industry veteran Julie Ahern, and voice actor and reviewer Eric Summerer. 

In the show, Tom, Julie, and Eric talk about boardgames, card games, wargames, miniatures, and the people who play them.

New to the Dice Tower? Then listen to: Episode 0: Introduction & Top 15 Games a New Gamer Should Buy

Dec 31, 2013

It's the second and better part of our End-of-the-year look back on 2013!  This time we talk about our favorite cooperative game, the most innovative game, the strangest game, the best expansion, best reprint, biggest brainburner, best gaming event, and more!  We end the episode with our top ten games of 2013! (for now).